The Isle of Wight County Press and South of England Reporter from Newport, Isle of Wight, England (2024)

He would In 1949, when 8 £1428 ls. 9d. on Mon- hen. At the Downer, berton) soldiers J. Spencer White (probation 13.

half. The klrk at goal 1956 1 A A Suild Saro Lamb A ol 14 THE ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY PRESS-SATUllIMY IT, 1 9 5 5 GODSHILL DWELLING- HOUSE APPEAL MINISTRY INQ11IRY A NEWPORT The spoiling of an excellent vlew neaa Community in Ventnor has and an increase in trafflc dangers Shanklln Cottage on a main road were the main Thursday, of Mr. George Henry Whitwell, in the 17th BOCM national pointa at iasue in a planning in- Ruaaell Ingram, aged 78. of Rose milk yleld competltion were placed shadowed In the Cowes Fanciera' Clalre Downer, of Clovelly, Avenue November lOth, wrote saying I quiry conducted by Mr. J.

R. Haie Glen, Spring Hill, chairman and (an inspector of the Ministry of director of the old eatablished Frieslan herd averaged 1101 gallons Alexandra Hall, Cowes, on Satur- months after he had been involved people dolng overtlme laft vehicles Housing and Local Government) at flrm of builders and funeral direc- and in 1954-5 1532 gallons. a percentage the County Hall, Newport, on Tues- tors, Messrs. Henry Ingram and increase of 39.11. winning them the which W.

Carver, of East Cowes, Downer, a 60-years-old builder, the case and three said day. agaiast the decision of the County Ingram has been in faillng health on Thursday. where they were pre- sky blue opallne hen was adjudged Road, Freahwater, on the night of Carisbrooke, Arthur Edward Stewart, Council refusing permiaalon to since he suffered a stroke at Whit- sented with their prize by Mr. Chipper- the best budgerigar in the show August 15th, 1953, by-a car driven of 1 Linden Terrace. Bradlng, and erect a dwelllng house on land to the north of the Godshill-Shanklin road near Poorhouse Shute.

G. A. MacDonald, for the appellant, which has played a prominent Baid hia client'a application was re- part in the development of the fused on the grounds that the Ingram's have been closely identi- of a dWelling house on the 11 ed wlth the growth of the town and dance at the Hotel Ryde Castle on the 24 other shows that he had Site in question would result In a and district and In addition to Frlday week when the Company was offleiated at this season. The judge serious loss of amenity, an increase building many private residences, one of the largest on record. approxl- of the canary and British blrd who aopeared for Mrs.

Downer, National Assistance Board, said that in the trafflc danger owing to have been responsible for some of mately 120 enjoying an excellent meal. sectlon, Mr. A. Moore, of East- aaid that Mr. Downer reeeived at Cowes on June 6th accused made a Btanding trafflc, and that the site the larger projecta, including the was outside the Itmits of any rea- early parts of the Royal National Jolllffe (President oX the club and atandard.

extenaion of Godahill. HOUSE FOR RETIREMENT Mr. Smallwood said that for the good workmanshlp and in more re- St. Lawrence, stressed the importance last flve yeara he had been in- cent tlmes they have rebuilt or re- of tereated in building a dwelling in stored many and proper- complimented the club on ita virllity the pigeon classea between H. ner more or lese at the momeht he furnish the Island.

auarters of his buainesa was in the war, Including the Methodist (chairman) in reply said that any Reed, of Newport, the former Walking cloae In to hia nearslde in not eaay to maaom 25, Prince Regent 24, Britannia London he hoped to live on the and Congregational churches. In auccesa which the club had achleved Island before and after retirement. later years it was wlth the was due in no small measure to the bird' and Mr. Reed the cup for the if the defendant had had hia 1 At present he rented Wiataria Cot- funeral dlrecting aide of the busi- assistance. help.

and guidance so beat fancy exhlbit. Although R. lighta on. as he ought to have In tage In Godshill. where he stayed ness that Mr Ingram became generously (u often as poaaible.

made an extensive search for a and sympathetlc approach waa al- iultable site and eventually picked ways greatly appreclated. bn the one at Godshill. It was his Intention to build a semi-bungalow pn a knoll of ground above the froad H. Rodgers (assistant solicitor to aervicea to the Methodist cause In the County Council), Mr. Smallwood the district he waa carrying on a Hage.

jrtated that he had chosen the site family tradition extending over 140 tirogramme of dancing and games and Mr. K. Winter (Eaatleigh), patient and was removed to an- iecatue in addition to liklng the years. He waa trustee, treasurer, which followed. the Hotel Ryde Castle H.

Cooper. of Romsey, repeated other hospltal where there were MOTOR-CVCLIST'S THREE OFFENCES ocality he had made friends in the and a steward of the High Street Orchestra supplylng the muslc. Village and it was more convenient Methodist Church and always took to get from there to the mainland a keen Interest In mlaslonary! than from the West Wight. He work. In earlier years he took an i tofreed that there was a loveiy actlve Interest In the Sundav-1 View from the site over the valley school and it gave him partlcular 6f the Yar, but he did not know pleaaure to preside at the re-1 hat in the summer coaches going dedlcation and out of Godshill stopped church was re-opened after bomb 19th blrthday party Mrs.

Tabuteau Cowes' resldent's exhibit. here so that the passengers could damage repairs in 1949, Mr. In-, I welcomed Admire the view. that the volume of trafflc to the vice of the Community and for' and Miss Andrews (area representative) dent) spoke of the remarkable re- ing it "spick and span" during the London, N.ll. pleaded not guilty to Village greatly increased during the leveral years between the wars he were also welcomed.

Mr. Hermon was covery the society had made from winter with repalrs and decora- public on the Yarmouth-Freshwatei inspector asked Mr. vas a member of Ventnor Urban I I M.C. whether or not he was District Council. He had to fight ment were Mr.

Curry (monologue). banded. Eleven months ago it waa that the help she got In. that way, Road at Norton on September 18th, Vorried by the fact that a pro- for his seat on several occasions, Mrs. Rolf.

Miss Wilson, and Mrs. Wil- all but wound up because no one having regard to her experience and not guilty to an alternative sum- poaed by-pasa might either go over the site or near it. Mr. Small- F. Blake the honour of being top of (songs).

wood replied that he was not wor- rled because from the route shown was enlarged under the I.W. Re- wlnners were Miss Tabuteau. Mr. society had progressed so that to- hardly paid its way. on the development map the road view Order.

For several years he Frearson. Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Black- day it was once again one of the Would not be too near. Mr.

V. Aldridge, an architect, eald that the site was on a mound of Trade and for several years Mills. pind the land sloped steeply away one of their repreaentativea to the presided at the annual meeting held in ertson), who was accompanied by tree resulted in that part of the the north and west. pinion the erection of a small director of the I.W. Plate Glass on the winning of the cup for Opera- sented to Mrs.

Fitzpatrick-Rob- house of quality would not inter- Inaurance Society, and national Oppenhelm jfupt any of the really good views from the road. posed site there were three modern In the Island. The death of his competltion. detached houses and there were Bther houses along the road to the during the last war was a severe nual meeting at the British Legion trophies. Village.

Vehiclea causing a danger to trafflc recovered, and waa followed in Mrs. Hawtrey (President). Mrs. Brown a bell-mouth entrance could be con- February, 1951, by the death of (hon. secretary) reported that the Structed.

SCARCITY OF SITES Representing the Rural District Falrthorne, Dudley Road, where There were 105 fully pald-up members Cooper. Sportsman cup for down to 10 m.p.h. just before the R. Council, Mr. stated that his council had He leaves a daughter, the wife of (standard-bearer) bjected tQ the County Councii's efusal because of the scarcity of building sites in the area fcnd the close proximity of main m.

It was Mr. Ingram's wish vice-presldents, Mrs. L. Kingswell and aervicea Council knew from their own ex- flowers. perience that it was very difflcult find owners of suitable building sitas In Godahill who were Willing to seil.

The water main and the Bwer which extended to the site -ere conatructed by the Rural Council, the former in the early Hia 20a and the latter in 1929. council would not have extended theae aervicea so far lf they had He not meant them to be used. visited the site and in his shire Assizes at Winchester this ppinion the view was rather week on Jonathan Anthony Trav- premises. and one that a loveiy house era Crocker (52). of Lodge Road.

flo-nrn was would enhance. COUNTY INTENTION For the County Council Mr. Bliahen, in 1949. Rodgera said that there waa no dispute that a well-designed house In certain isolated positiong might of forging an endorsem*nt on a man ftot be to the detriment of the clreque amenities of an area. but this of obtalnlng money by meana of About 50 attended a sale of work and would not be an iaolated house in that forged cheque.

After the Jury social at the British Legion Hall on the atrict senae of the term. would be an addition to a small Justice Austin Jones said he petitions area built prior to planning con- would deal wlth Crocker later in funds amounted to Just over £13. trol, which was devised to prevent the aaslzea. A house in auch development. however well this position.

designed, would neceasarily be an If a Interruption to the view. bell entrance was constructed it yvould mean cutting into the foot- said Mrs. Blishen was a benefl- path which ran along the frontage clary under a truat fund formed by Class Thrift Club shared out £1027 to and K. Hill Seal or sable-1 E. W.

and which waa the only one for a her grandmother. long of a road, which in Crocker and hia wife were livlng tummer waa exceptlonally buay, In Seaview, there was discuaeion fcnd busy in the winter by Island between'-the wife and Mrs. Blishen Thrift Club took place at the Welby Hill. 3 E. W.

Sairipson. Standards. Replying to queatlona by Mr. Joint businesa waa to have come butfon was conducted by Messrs. L.

J. Macdonald, Mr. J. E. D.

Packwood from the trust fund. Crocker was Wait (President), P. Russell (hon. 1 (aaaistant county planning offleer) said that it was the County Coun- cltors actlng for Mrs. Blishen pald out £2482 14s.

lOd. Cll's Intention that further develop- asking for a cheque for £300 to be ment in Godshill should be in pald to Mrs. Blishen. The cheque pald out £3706 Os. 3d.

to the 230 meic depth rather than to extend, and was sent, and in a coverlng letter bers. Mr. G. Reed ls secretary and Mi. 3 F.

Miere were aeveral along it waa pointed out that the money F. Hill the treasurer. hich this could be done. greed that the serious loss of amenity referred to in the grounda paid for refusal waa in the fact that the endorsed View would be apoiled. ERADICATION OF WARBLE FLY VENTNOR BUSINESSMANN DEATH MR.

G. H. R. INGRAM One of the most esteemed and reapected members of the busi- been removed by the death at Mr. P.

Smallwood appealed Sons, of Albert Street. Mr. luncheon at the Savoy Hotel. London, galned three major awards. His was knocked down in Queen's man Ernest Welsh.

of 39 Castle Street, By his death the family name ls Mr. severed from one of the oldest busi- yield 2000 gallons in 305 daya. neeses in Ventnor and one town. In the last Century Messrs. EAST WIGHT YOUNG FARMERS' CLUB section was as good, and in most Hospital.

Under the guiclance of tion of Young Farmers' Clubs. Pro- Yorkshires were the best class In dent took place just before lighting- order for but ahe waa. In fact. the Ingram family the flrm has posing the toast of The Club Mr. his section, closely followed by the up tlme, but It was dark, and in built up a aound reputation for H.

W. S. Whitelock. of Old Park Farm. borders.

Although the head- tles damaged by bombing during and J. H. Smith Booth, of Northwood, and R. G. W.

Struck him. He had chiefly identifled and his courteous It waa aa a member of the Meth- movement on the Island and for the went to the runner-up, R. Crouch, now odist Church that Mr. Ingram was Cross-examined by Mr. F.

partlcularly well-known through- her acqualntance wlth the club having Mr. A. J. Cox and Mr. H.

Wheeler. sefous for 18 days after the acci- had pald back £10 to the National out the Ialand, and In his devoted meeting when the He also agreed gram devoted hlmself to the Ser- vlew. Mrs. Halgh (county chairman) mony, Mr. R.

A. Tarrant (Presi- lot of jobs about the place, keep- Clerk, of 37 Queen's Road. Bowes Park, but In 1933 he shared with Mr. A. the poll when the urban district waa a member of the former I.W.

rtian, Miss P. Green. Mrs. Keeping. Miss leading fanciers' societles in the County Assessment Committee.

He Stevens. Mr. P. Dyer. Mrs.

Deadman. Island. The show was opened by he arrived at the scene of the acci- church when defendant accelerated I. Cooke (Gun rd) compleled a leg geese was President of Ventnor Chamber In his I.W. Chamber of Commerce, a the Methodist Schoolroon and reported hia wife.

delegate on aeveral for Opposite the pro- the Funeral Directors' Association coast of Scotland. Miss Bills won a opener. In the evening the Cowes came out of the hedge. "I got out through and seemed to treat the inci- only aon. Mr.

E. (Ted) Tngram To avoid tradesmen's blow, from which he never really Club Mrs. Ingram only a short time sectlon had setbacks at the beglnnlng after they had moved into their of the year through lllnesses. but had new home in Spring Hill from weathered the storm and all meetlngs H. Cooper.

Rex-B. L. Jones. Normal F. Buckley they had resided for many years.

and one honorary member. Mrs. Ward the Mr. D. Day, of Bonchurch.

The funeral will take Dlace at the sented imetery on Tuesday at 2.30 were President, Mrs. W. M. Hawtrey Naah. The Rural District that there should be no mourning Mrs.

E. White (founder-members). and RURAL NOTES CO NT ACT Orders taken. Manui Loading and Spreading, £1 per hou: Hedge Trimming. per LOCAL FARMERS' MILK PRODUCTION SUCCESS Messrs.

R. M. and J. Flux. of Scot- mainland exhibitors, Island en- Winchester on Thursday to a 50- Brighstone.

when summoned for Hospital. on land Farm. Godshill, and Ford Farm. tranta were by no meana over- yeara-old widow, Mrs. Beatrice leaving a motor-cycle without lighta third In the increased yleld section.

open to all breeds. In 1953-4 their prize of £35. Messrs. Flux attended a fleld. the chairman of the Company.

They hold the dlstinction of owning and also the best 1955 bred blrd. Freshwater, against whom Mrs. Oakfleld. Ryde. were each fined £1 for the first cow in the Isla of Wight to Mr.

P. McGrath, of Southsea, Judge Downer COWES FANdERS' SOCIETY FRESHWATER WIDOWS OPEN PEN SHOW The club held their annual dlnner The toast master was Mr. Harry honorary organlser of the I.W. the young fanners' movement aa a means of educating the publlo and toast of The Vlsitors was proposed flrst In the 500-mlle bird class, he done. he would have picked out the marrledson.

absent. due to ill-health. and who had he waa not a member of the pletely by aurprlse. There was Chairman said-that lt was a bad case. done so much for the Young Farmers' Cowes society.

Consequently, it Thora Lanfear responded and said how pleased she was to ranew for 10 years and for BRITISH LEGION SUCCESS OF I A EXPERIMENT Island will recall that atayed with Mrs. Crocker for Hughes. a fly from the Isle of Wight. house which wai to be bought audltor. In the flrst place, the Island was with part of the trust money was £1594 Iis.

2d. to 141 members. The G. H. Downer, i F.

Plumley. Green Chosen because it provided axceptlon- dlscussed, but never materlalised. secretary was Mr. C. Pragneil and the or or foul, co*ck E.

J. Denham, 3 B. W. Biles. Red offlcials were Meaara.

J. Abell (re- and although their team Is In proceas fclly favourable condltiona for an ex- She did not reeeive the £300 berlment of this kind as there ls llttle cheque. The three signatures on treasurer Mr. C. Newbury.

movement of cattle from the malniand the back of the cheque were not Coltfell Bay Inn 195 members shared other G. T. Denham, 2 A. 1 R. L.

Roy. 2 and J. Leslie. Townsend to cause re-infeatation and the warble hers and she did not authorlse £2610. Offlcers were Secretary.

Mr. Warne. or hen, 1 P. E. colour.

1 W. Carver. 2 fly will not cross large strotehes of During the flrst year (1963) the work waa carrled out by the resident veteri- nary otfleers who visited most of the ftu-ms durlna tained eviuouco aa warble InfesUtion in the oattle. They be uaed from the trust for the pur- urer. Mr.

G. Waltersf Mtimated that 80 per cent. of the chaae of furnlture harda and 40 per cent. of the oattle infestad. Advice was glven on household equlpment for the guest Club correct dresalng and how lt should applied.

The response to thls advlce prise. waa so good that the Ministry declded cheque was expected Mrs. Blishen to lntensify the experiment and. for waa going away and he dlscunsed the two following years. veterlnary the matter with her.

She told him 8 were sent from the malniand he to deal with It. When the They urtne the dresalng season. taapected all cattle over aix months cheque arrived he endorsed It wlth waa in the chalr at the monthly Downer. 2 B. W.

Blies. G. Lines. 2 T. F.

Lane. 3 B. Wood- Lowe at least once each month. the two signatures and his wife wrote meeting of the I.W. Labour Party, variety.

unllighted. hen, 1 G. H. Dow- ford. Likeilest bird, co*ck, dreaalng of infested cattle waa super- the other slgnature.

During the vbed and, in some cases. actually months that followed he was look- at the Labour Hall, Newport, on cinnamon-seif krried out by the veterlnary stall or Ing for a house and was not work- Saturday, when a discussion on G. H. Downer. 2 B.

W. Biles. technlcal asaistants who were ing. The £300 was used to live on. the nationallsation of industry waa worklng wlth them during the 1955 In addition, a careful record He considered half that sum be- the Bollermakers' Society, East was made of the terrain of each lonered to his wife.

The loan was nrm. (b) the number and Classification to be renaid from the proeeeds of 6 th'a cattle. (c) the degree of infesta- a reversionarv lon. and Id) detalls of the dresslng. The result of thia work can be seen the following comparative tlgurea with an estate In Ireland.

Com- I tlon), speaklng recently In Blrmlng- and 2 V. Buckett. 1963 the hignest Infestation at one pletion of the negotiatlona were ham, said that we were spendlng £420 tlme was as stated above. In 1964 the delaved because of Irlsh death million a year on grant-alded educa- hiebest infestation was 73 per cent. of dutiea.

He agreed that he re- tlon. and it would soon be Increased to herds and 16 per cent. of cattle, reduced eeived a letter from Messrs. Stokes £500 mllllon. by the end of the season to 52 per cent.

and 7.4 per cent. respectively. This and aollcltors. of Ports- aeaaon to 9 per ber cent. of cattle.

"hisfl 1a UO.7 monev to repay He had no Inten- "remarkable and moat tion atifylng achlevement. This year lt is rare to find a beast wlth more than aix warbles. whereas. in 1964. many had 10 to 20 and.

In 1953. a total of 30 to 40 was fairly common. In 1965,374 of the 610 herds on the Island remalned of Car warble free through the dreaalng at £94.100.000. season compared with only 97 in 1964. In 144 others (including some large Government herds) not more than three beasta decided against Infested.

Only 30 herda were In a ballot of the round to be Infosted at each of the four members, 73.151 voted loapectlona. FRADl'LENT C0NVERSI0N SF.NTF.NCE RF.SF.RVED 0 FORM FR SEAVIEW RESIDENT ntence was reserved at Hamp- allowlng meetings to be held at their Rowlands Castle, and formerly of Seavlew, who waa found guilty of a Charge of fraudulently Convert- 1 secretary ing £300 he reeeived on behalf of Jamleson (chairman) presided at the his slater-in-law, Mrs. Joan Cecile meeting in the British Legion Hall on 1, 2, and 3 G. Nash; evidence of that. Dr.

Kelly said Crocker was acquitted on charges Thanks were expressed by the Chair- 3 of Mrs. Blishen and also acquitted Mesdames P. Sturt and Farrow. It had returned their verdlcta, Mr. Friday week.

There were several com- PROPOSED BUSINESS Prosecuting, Mr. D. Vowden about going into buslness together Institute on Saturday. when £6488 was B. L.

Jones. 2 and 3 F. and K. Hill. Jonea) took the chair at the annual and In a guest house.

Money for the disbursed to 579 members. The dlstri- alleged to have wrltten to the soli- have Eventually, the cheque, having been back to the s'oHcitors. It had been Parsons the treasurer. Mrs. Blishen never re- Millbay Thrift Club.

The offlcers are 1 G. Collinson. 2 R. McCuliy, eeived the money and had not Secretary. Mr.

R. F. Farrow; treas- H. Cooper, 3 A. E.

Shearing. authoTlsed Crocker to wrlte for urer. Mr. S. F.

Murseil: audltor, Mr. the money. In a statement made to the pqllce in March last Crocker £2134 10s. 6d. was shared between 110 was alleged to have said the members.

The dffleers were Secre- cheque was sent to him because L. Russell. Mrs. Bliahen was away at the Joan Cecile Blishen, of Arreton, Joint secretaries. Messrs.

M. Carroll Buff F. Plumley, 2 G. H. told the court that In 1949 she about three weeks.

A proiected offlcials were Secretary. Mr. S. W. llighted.

transactlon regarding sharing a Creer: treasurer. Mr. F. G. Clegg: Plumley.

Yellow 1 G. Crocker to endorse the cheque. MONEY SINCE REPAID Crocker. In evidence. said his The Broadway Inn Club.

In its flrst W. Biles, 2 G. H. Downer. 3 F.

Plum- Any other Mrs. D. C. Tut- slster-ln-iaw was mistaken or had year. paid £280 to 42 members.

Offl- ley. or ticked, co*ck, 1 G. ton. 2 B. W.

Biles, 3 F. Attrill. forgotten that the mlwy was to cials Secretary. Trott; treas- H. Downer.

2 B. W. Biles. and other house that was to be a Joint enter- Interest In a marriage settlement concerned mouth. In January.

1951. askine England and Wales for the 1958. elec- that he should repay the £300 tcrral loaned to him by the truatees. He local did not reply. He had not the buildlngs of which public notice to defraud his sister-in-Iaw and the £300 had now been repaid.

Bembrldite Women's the the Francis Petty cup for the best age. He was a builder In buslness the guests and vlsitors from Bradlng. Ryde. St. Helens, and Sea- for dancing and games and among those contributlng to the entertaln- a period when it was almost dis- liams (comedy sketch), Mr.

R. Sothcott would flu the Office of secretary. since her husband's death, made all dance) The blrthday cakes was cut by Miss Moreton (President) Competltion ward and slnce that time the Mr. W. Woodford.

Miss Smart, and Mrs. Mrs. R. Tabuteau (chairman) tion Double-up by the branch. Mrs.

ertson by Penelope Moorman, who (vlce-chairman) gave a humorous talk on her trlp round the also handed a buttonhole to the side, when suddenly an object cycllst, who weaved his machine Shanklio Women's an- Jones) presented the cups and knocked a man over close to the parade and no one signalled him tc was presided over by Mrs. Matthews (chairman). supported by and functlons had been well supported. Island competltion and had fulfllled Collinaon. Engllsh points the wlndscreen, but did not know her duties with the utmo8t sincerlty.

Nash. Fancy points L. M. what it was. Mrs.

Gladdls (hon. treasurer) pre- Hayden. Giganta points Nash. flnancial Position. Offlcers elected Mrs.

C. Rose; chairman, Mrs. W. Matthews: vlce-chairman. Mrs.

E. Ireland: hon. treasurer. Mrs. H.

M. Gladdls; hon. secretary, Mrs. H. Brown committee.

Mesdames Buttle. Coleman. Colenutt. Wells. Willmott.

Ward, and White Sick vlsitors. Mes- dames Willmott and Colenutt; thrift club. Mesdames Coleman and Gladdls. Donations were voted for the widows' fund and Glenthorne and the Legion Club. A letter of thanks Is to be sent to the club for their generoslty in The final Poppy Day £215 5s.

lld. Thia is a de- last year's total. The hon. inlser hon of the wome Ventnor Woraen'i E. M.

Wednesday. when Brlg. S. J. H.

Green, any other colour. 1 G. Nash. D.S.O., M.B.E., gave a talk on Korea. 1 Miss L.

M. Hayden, 2 G. Collinson, he saw spmethlng at the very last The only Island boy to lose In this Paierson A 2 (5), Saro 2 (4)? Shank- for £300 drawn in favour treasurer). Competltion wlnners were Nash H. Cooper, 2 Miss clearest possible case of negligence (Portsmouth).

and 12 hands of whlst were played. The proeeeds for the sectlon THRIFT CLUB SHARE-OL'TS 1 H. Cooi 8t. Thomas's Bible 4 members. The offleera are Miss W.

Williams, Mr. K. Urry. and Miss M. Sampaon, 2 W.

A. Beavls. Any other annual share-out of Ryde Beach. and 2 F. and K.

treasurer). and E. C. Prismall (secre- tary). The Methodist Thrift Club Solent Inn Thrift Club MoCully, 2 C.

Jones, 3 D. Nash. Stud F. C. Cross.

N. Downer, M. Seymour, shot). Three Ialand boys lost their The British to be refunded. Legion Thrift Club pald out £3202 to 2 2 0 members.

a record sum. Mr. F. into the bank. found Its way Greenham was the secretary and Mr.

C. Miss L. M. Hayden. Genfs exhibit- without greater flnancial support from Technical) record sum of 3 6 5 3 10s.

"Joan Blishen, Mrs. J. was shared out to 147 members of the J. H. Harris.

At the Central Hotel tary. Mr. C. R. Wheeler; treasurer, Mr.

West Wight Social Plumley. Bufr F. Plumley, the amenity value of golf in the West Club a record amount of 2 G. H. Downer, 3 R.

T. Yel- Wight, might be prepared to make £2782 to 184 members. Offlcials were low variety, 1 G. H. Downer.

a small contribution towarda ensurlng Amateur Boxing Club'a gymnasium in and H. T. Kendrick trustee. Mr. A.

G. £860 to 75 members. The Downer, 3 G. Denham. Bu(f Mr.

C. Star Inn Thrift Club shared the record sum of H. Downer. Buff 1 W. Adams; treasurer, Mr.

F. Nutty. Totland Lanes Inn 50 or hen, 1 A. Warne. members shared a record total of £460.

Offlcials Secretary. Mr. 8. W. Creer: treasurer, Mr.

C. F. W. Merwood. Fighting co*cks Slate 2 day.

Mr. A. North was hon. secre- tary and Mn. C.

Allen. J.P.. hon- At about the tlme the treasurer. JUDGES PRAISE FOR CAGE BIRUS Deaplte keen competltion from awarded at Hampshire at Society's open pen show at the day. This waa particularly evi- dent In the cage birds section, in in a road accident.

Mr. Bertie Beacham. iho proved of the and forelgn damages. birds, said that the quality of the record number of entries In his cases supenor to the majority of leigh, also commended the high a result of cerebral thrombosis on 21a. in the prevlous seven days.

She There was friendly rivalry in that defendant only aaw Mr. Dow- was sorry, but wanted the money to Hart 2. Three Crowns 1. gainlng the cup for the best young glven by the farmers. The Dowden, of Portsmouth, waa placed could not be awarded the cup as that the defendant waa taken com- officer) said that accused had an Army of Cowes.

The pigeon judges werfe In the rabbit classes. judged by Mr. A. Mlles was M.C. for the Mr.

A. Ramnton (Southampton) his successea of the recent Ryde better facillties for looking after show by galning the beat in show and best normal awards with pressure which caused thrombosis. canrylng a pllllon passenger without his normal havana and also the Premier prize In the fancy class. O. Nash, of Cowes, galned the Eng- 60.

Mr. Downer had a good ex- the holder of a was nned ilsh and giganta polnts Cups and pectation of life for a man of his 15s. in each case. Presiding at the opening cere- a small guest house and he did a and Mr. Stevenson (ballet Then Mr.

H. M. Cheek came for- the dlfference between a profitable Inspector G. D. the chairman of the Cowes Coun- dent defendant was treating the cil (Major A.

M. Fitzpatrick-Rob- Carnival Queen (Miss Barbara and went back and found I had dent aa a said that SPECIAL AWARDS Beat In Cooper. had again won the Lady Baring cup for best the aecounts. showlng a Sound Francis Petty cup for the best Cowea' Cage oppoa best 1955 K. Sparshot i Misj W.

1 H. Cooper l. Whitticom. 3 Miss W. Stoodlcy.

came paat. There was. however, no Harper (Weat Wight) and Howe Miss L. M. Hayden.

H. moment and did not know he had group was A. Nash (Cowes Secondary). lin Methodist Y.C. 2 (1), Ryde 0 (1).

and Mrs. H. Whlteslde (hon. Cooper, 2 Mra. K.

Sparahott, 3 G. hit a pedeatrian. "I think it Is the who was outpointed by Madgewick T. White, 3 Miss L. M.

Hayden. Holbrook, Highway Code the deceased ought (Ryde, C.E. Secondary). a very and K. Hill, 2 Mes- to have been Walking on the other prooilsing boxer, obtalnlng a deciaive 6.

New nd Spink. Chinchilla A. I Shearing, 2 D. Naah. aide, 3 W.

Buckell Mesdames Kelaey and other 1 Shearing, 3 P. Holbrook. B. L. Jones.

2 and 3 F. 1 B. Beach. B. Other Any fancy 5 months, attended by about 45 members.

Mr. H. M. Cheek. 2 Miss W.

Stoodley. R. was unanimoualy elected punchlng Aldershot boy. R. Sherriff.

Havenstreet C. Saro Apprentices Juvenile age, 1 G. Collin- captain and the following were J. Barker (Cowea Technical) added Cowes British son, 2 R. Cheek, 3 G.

Collinson. Juvenile or age, 1 R. Jonea. Capt. F.

Wedgwood, Measrs. he outpointed O'Callaghan (Alder- Cowes British Legion A 7- SUCCESSFUL CLAIM D0CT0R TO PAY £2474 DAMAGES Damages totalling £2474 were Road. whose husband dled in December, 1953, nearly four and the police were well that by Dr. Carllsle Kelly, of Stroud, Dennis Simpson, of 10 High Street. successfully LIGHTS SHOULD HAVE BEEN ON Mr J.

Scott Henderson, Q.C., aevere head injuries and dled as He stated that the December 2nd. 1953. The acci- signed this on a National Assistance having regard to the hedge and overhanging tree, lt was obvlous mitted. She told an ofllcer that she the same direction as the car and 11 recently. Her husband was kllled (Newporl) 23.

Lamb Tavern 21, Union pedestrlan. There was no doubt thrombosU waa due to the in- acter juries. Mr. Downer was uncon- dent. Because of damage to the Assistance Board, and £3 costs.

brain he was a very restless him. He developed a state of blood Counsel said that although aged Plates, and carrying a passenger not on his own account. His wife ran tions. Plalntiff's vlew now was undertaking and a buslness which P.C. F.

Woodsford said that when said the men were marching Into Hlghest' gel-out E. Gallop (Bell) 107. injured man. An overhanging A bouquet was pre- road being a dark patch. In a statement, Dr.

Kelly said he Freshwater. said that a regimental wai drlving close in to his near- pollceman tried to stop the motor- hedge The doctor added that he atop. ao he contlnued. His machlne was drlving wlth his sldellghts on at the time. DOCTOR'S EVIDENCE Dr.

Kelly Bald he had slowed second-beat and K. Hill. accident. He saw a flash acroas Mr. J.

H. C. Goldle, for Dr. Kelly, submltted that the mark on the nearalde wlndscreen pillar in- dlcated that the pedeatrian prob- the Ialand in the senii-llnals ably bent down to avold a over- the Hampshire Schools' A.B.A. hanging branch or leaves and In Jhampionships at Paulsgrove Second- doing so stepped into the side of the car.

The abaence of any dam- age to the car added weight to that suggestion. Givlng judgment for the plain- day January tlff, Mr. Justice Flnnemore said it might have been a wise precaution M. King (Cowes Secondary) defeated If the doctor had had his head- Broad (Portamouth) in a faat-moving llghts on. It was no protection bout.

(Ryde C.E. Second- the mere fact of llghting-up time ary) boxed confldently and took the was later. A motorist must use decision over Blaxland (Aldershot). F. Ventnor 6, Carter Paierson A Prince' of Anales 18, Princess Royal 18, lights if neoessary to give himself Penney (Cowes Secondary)' attaCked a proper view.

Mr. Goldle had Tiller (Portsmouth) in such a whiri- asked him to find that Mr. Dow- ner was atanding up agalnst the hedge and atepped out aa the car but not a case of gross negligence." Referrlng to Mr. Goldle's sugges- tion that in acoordance with the was given a good atart by M. Nobba was perfectly entitled to be where White (Fairway) won a hard bout and Sandown head the table with he waa on the It was not negligent to walk on the nearslde (Prlory Secondary) also found Buck- match in hand.

of the road. MAGISTRATES' COURT GOLF Doe- 2 H. Coo T. White. 3 H.

K. Sparshott, I.W. LABOUR PARTY Mra. I. M.

Clapshaw (preaident) variety. unOighled, hen. 1 G. H. S.

G. Elliott: hen, 1 P. Andrews and introduced by Mr A. G. Baker, of any variety, 1 H.

Cooper. 2 G. Collin- pared son, 3 P. Holbrook. Juvenile chal- C.

Jones. Grand and 2 CANARIES Horde Yellow variety, 1 F. Plumley, 2 G. H. Downer, 3 F.

who derived considerable beneflt from Downer, 3 F. Plumley. Yellow co*ck The Conservatlve Club dis- 1 F. Plumley. 2 G.

H. 1 and 2 G. H. Downer. 3 F.

or hen, unllighted, 2 G. Denham. Jacobs. 2 A. Warne, 3 P.

E. Jacobs. K. J. Denham.

3 B. W. Biles. Rey kpeper), N. Roberts and W.

Bailey of the Standard of play. The heavler from tlme to tlme be necessary for the Yorkshire or tlcked, co*ck, 1 B. clear or 1 G. H. Downer, B.

W. Blies. or ticked, 1 G. H. Downer.

2 B. W. Biles, 3 F. Plumley. variegated, co*ck, 1 B.

W. Bilea. Yel- mile or over-old bird, co*ck. 1 G. W.

Milford (S). C. Blythe (S) beat M. variety. unfllghted.

co*ck. 1 Ince, 2 T. Anderson. 3 G. F.

Rowsell: G. H. Downer. 2 B. W.

Biles. hen. 1 G. Ince. 2 R.

Crouch, 3 T. I Humphrey (B), V. Crockford (B) beat ing (aix converalona). and the fact recovered from the occupier. any variety.

unllighted, co*ck. 1 G. H. Anderson. 150 1 L.

Hol- K. Griffln (S); J. Carter (V) beat T. that he played for Hampshire on Wed- Downer. 2 and 3 B.

W. Biles. Yellow brook. 2 P. Andrews and G.

Lines, 3 Crockford (B); M. Barton (V) beat T. week. The scoring opened with ner. 2 and 3 B.

W. Biles. Green or 1 R. G. W.

Reed. 2 K. 3 i (F): FRESHWATER BAY O.C. The retirlng captain (Dr. P.

A. Knill meeting on Friday week. which waa (Cowes Technical) defeated a qulck- 1. Cowea Brltiah Legion A Saro THE AGRICULTURE (DELEGATION appointed to the committee: Dr. Knill and T.

G. Shotton, Mrs. C. E. Gran- tham.

Mias A. Leon, and Miss D. Seymour. The proprietors (Mr. and Mrs.

Pem- (Fairwav) had their bouta atopped in had given a year's notice that the members they would not be pre- lose by a very narrow margin. to carry on the club after the expiry of ten years of their owner- namely. after After committee with the i hotel and gue3t house proprietors, previoua COUNTY At the Guildhall, Newport. yester- Boat Gas Social Club 3. Wroxall day, before Capt.

H. J. Ward. D.L.. Vine 1 in 4.

Tavern Queen's 2, C.A. (chairman). Miss J. Damant. and Plough and Barleycorn 6.

Mr. J. K. Sherwood. LIGHTING OFFENCES Arthur Jack Brlnton.

of Hlllcrest. tive Club Crab Hotel 3. grade at Columbine Road, East Cowes. on thought all this had been cleared up. that this was not El.

Nor- claimed slmllar oflences. EATED NATIONAL ASSISTANCE BOARD obtaln National Assistance, Mr. C. Merrill, prosecuting for the dey (Cafeteria) 113 (12 darts 301). declaratlon that she had not earned part-time employment at Gurnard Pinea Holiday Camp reeeiving £3 5s.

a week, Other offences had been com- her new flat. She had de- frauded the Board of £21 3s. 6d. The 140. Mr.

Downer was oflences covered two years and were G. D. Watts said that accused had been Italy when servlng in the Forces. lers Joy 19, Anchor Inn 18, New Inn wlth high prlcas for best quality. Beat She had two daughters.

worklng, a and White Hart 17. Duke of York and heavy weight chlcken Miss Pension of £2 6d. a no dispute that the cerebral but because of her prevlous good char- defendant would be glven a 12 months' condltlonal discharge, but she would have to pay 5s. wetekly untll she Timothy Michael Smith, of 12 Park Road. Cowes, pleaded gullt to three motor-cycllng oflences at supports.

faillng to display MOTOR-CYCLIST SCATTERED CHURCH PARADE Ronald Henry Barber. stockbroker's drlving In a manner dangerous to the mons for drlving without due care and Watts said that a church parade of 6 0 had marched from Golden Hill Fort to St. Andrew's officer In Charge (Capt. J. W.

F. Broome) and drove stralght DARTS MEW LANGTON'S EAST WIGHT LKAOUK and Lobster 2. Pilot and Son and Mossrs. Henry J. Way and Roadside Falcon Hotel hei fers to (average Inn 5 Lake Working Men's Club individual guaranteed price Madein Hotel 5, Sandown Conser His W.

Bar (For inphray (Pilot Boat) 140 'PORT MEW LANGTON'S AND DISTRICT LEAGUE Jir J. Barleycorn 5. Shoulder of prices were not reached. I'orkcra itton Cafeteria 4. Mew Langton Britannia 1.

Bedford Falcon Lamb White Lion 4. Freemasons 4: Railway Medina 5. Robin Hoo4 Castle Hotel 1. Prince Regent per ugh 3. Princeaa Royal 5.

Regent). S. (Mew's Soci; Win icombe (Pri. tnd A. (Rai Hunnybi (Prin Regenl) 130, L.

Scott (Mew score live weight will be pald for clean Social Club) 116 (12 darls 301), C. Par- plgs sold by auctlon. Sows £29 to £15 MEW LANGTON'S LADIES' LEAGUE Union Inn 7, New Inn Prince producer will reeeive either a col- eee.u 1. Half way Houae Free- asons 1. Anchor Britannia (Cowes) the Individual guaranteed price plus Britannia (Newport) Mew Lang- whichever ls the greater.

in's SC, 0, Lamb Tavern 3: Travel- ra Joy 2. Duke of York White Higheat score MYs. Gustar (Lamb) Points to December 13th Free- iheota in Short supply. Stores Inn 20. Brilannia (Cowea) and Travel- and a son still at Halfway House 16.

Mew Langton S.C. to medium to amall COWES AND DISTKICT them. Witness back and the sergeant- flung himself forward to avold Defendant gave a ky grin as he les Morris, of 5 Road. there was no warnlng that there was was a 1000c.c. model and made a lot of nolse In low gear.

which would glve a ialse Impression of Bench BOXING HAMPSHIRE COUNTY CHAMriONSHIPS Of the 16 schoolboy boxera who re- alk-o i 10 othei 3 the the year totalled 289,713 units valued Members of the National and Local dlsappointment on Christmas Day. Hartley. for afflliation and 77,592 agalnst. Sir David Eccles (Minister of Educa- The provisional llst of electors In register will be on vlew untll December 16th at large post authority Offices, and otht The Postmaster General announces I Sky that the international radlotelephone services wlth points outslde Europe C. Tutton.

3 Goodredge. Cohal will be generally avallable and booklngs i maiive or T. Cragg. 2 E. by telephone for radio calls for the period December 24th until January exports in the flrst nlne months Ist are now being aeeepted.

Demand 3 C. J. for these calls is usually heavy and early booking Is advisable to avold Mrs. D. C.

Tutton, 2 I i for Offleera' Association have Boxing Day. or New Year's Day. No afflliation to the T.U.C. service will be avallable on Christmas other B. W.

Bilea. 2 E. i An glft of £5000 to the lin). There waa also a demonstration 1 year 6 montha months Sated this WALTER assoclatlon's 340,900 Day or New Year's Day to East Pakis- Kemp, 3 E. J.

tan or the Lebanon. V. Buckett. 3 British Mrs. J.

mdwitl Any variety than choice-l H. Booth, 2 L. Hammond, room for changing. Java sparrow, 1 Mrs. A.

M. Lucas, 2 3 A. E. Ridgley. id 3 Miss S.

Treviss. Any Light or hen, 1 and 2' 1 G. H. H. Stanger, 2 F.

Goodredgc, 3 feree), T. G. B. Howe. M.C..

G. R. of building up and found the Island Any T. Cragg. Cobalt, mauye, or Shaw and B.

Slanton (Judges), R. G. pack in top form, an extremely hard co*knir, 1 and 2 P. Collinson, seconda). and S.

Houchin (Chief Island pack, plus the excellent hook- kllling or taking ef wild rabblts llviag 3 A. Warne. Grey or grey W. Carver. 2 H.

Stanger, 3 R. L. Roy. iffleer), and Miss Clark (recorder). riGEONS 5 0 0 or hen, 1 R.

Dowden, Yellow or 2 R. Crouch, 3 L. Hammond. 300 Gardner (S); Rhodes (B) beat J. points).

or foul, rock or hen, 1 Booth; hen, 1 L. Hammond. 2 R. (V); D. Colton (F) beat P.

Walls (V); and only desperate defendlng kept lands den. 3 R. G. W. Reed.

100 mile or M. Whiie (F) beat D. Honkinson (V); them out. However. wlth the ball con- Isle of Wight.

bird, rock, 1 G. E. Ridg- P. Yellnnd (P) beat B. Roberts (V); tlnually comlng out of the Set scrum.

lev. 2 Booth, 3 L. Holbrook; hen. T. Sheaff (P) beat M.

Honeybourne 1 Cooke. 2 P. Andrews and G. I.IIMS, (V); P. Simpkina (V) beat T.

Farrlng- Rawlins waa able to get attack after Price ad. net. 3 H. Booth. 50 mile or bird.

co*ck. 1 H. Booth. 2 P. and G.

Lines, 3 T. F. Lane: hen, 1 S. Morgan and B. Fenlon (F) and C.

by Murphy O'Connor being aucceasful. K. Morey. 2 A. E.

Ridgley, 3 G. W. Ince. Likeliest bird, 1 R. G.

Reed. 2 H. Booth. were expressed tu-the Boxing Club for half presented the same plcture. with 3 L.

Hammond; hen. 1 H. Booth. 2 K. their help.

and to Mrs. Miller, of the Island pack in complete command. Morey, 3 L. Hammond. Fairway Secondary School on Satur- In the Junior A group (12-13 years).

st. Sl wurrid a A 0 id style that the referee stopped 6, Carter Paierson A Shanklin bout In the second round. Un- unately tlie contest between D. Shai (Portsmouth), was spoilt by the latter hlltlng low and being disqualifled. The Junior group (13-14 years) the judge said the pedeatrian win agalnat Jones (Portsmouth).

M. 10. Shanklin 0. Carter Pateraon Ryde (9) 397, Newport (2 393. with Bailey (Portsmouth).

R. Powell ner (Portamouth) a worthy opponent, and lt needed all the Newport boy's sklll to wln. K. Winter and B. Her- bert (both Ryde C.E.

Secondary) lost to Llttlefleld (Portsmouth) Thompson (Aldershot) respectively. The Intermediate group (14-15 years) 7. Newport Victoria Sports San- produced many hard-hitting rontests. S. iFairway) boxed non-atop, eventually beat Slater (Aldershot).

a very strong boxer. G. Hizzey another win to the Ialand acore when rontests In this group. C. Sleight Rrldt.

I i i 0 A 10 Wootton (Cowes Technical) and D. Farley the firat round, but E. Vine (Cowes l. Offlcials who travelled wlth the Island team were Mr. A.

E. Morgan and Mr. E. F. Abell (team managers), Mr.

V. L. Read (I.W.S.A.B.A.. chairman). and Mr.

E. Dunford (hon. secretary). SCHOOLS' TOURNAMENT AT VENTNOH A capaclty audlence at the Ventnor Beigrave Road on Friday week were' Ryde School. 2.30 p.m.

entertained to an interestlng Pro- gramme of bouta between teams from the Ventnor County Secondary, Fair- way Secondary, Prlory Secondary, Bembridge C.E. Junior, and were. lucky to get a game with the new Shanklin C.E. Junior achoola. The vhlp), Dr.

J. B. Willlamson (medical In the following resulis the schools the ball in practlcally all the destroy the wild rabblts livlng on any ire Identifled by letters In parenthe- back combining with the threes, iea. follows V. Ventnor County marklng by the Gunners became al- Secondary; F.

Fairway Secondary, mjost tmpossible. This enabled the wlth these requlrements ls llable oa Sandown; Prlory Boys' Secondary. Island XV to chalk up another by sumraary convlction to a flne not Newport; B. Bembrldge C.E.; flve goals, one penalty goal. and one ejeeeding Shanklin C.E.

J. Abell (B) beat E. try (31 points) to one try (three vlction on which the fallure continues. Freale (V), C. Urry (V) beat J.

Brown Miss S. Tre Budgerigsra ncludin 2 G. T. Orientat frlll-cork. J.

3 B. W. Biles. Opaline -an I Roy, 2 G. 1.

2. and 3 Collinson. Grey or grej 3 Mrs. D. C.

Tutton. An In next J. C. Jones; hen. 1 ones.

2 J. Wheeler. Moden and 3 R. G. W.

Reed; hnt R. G. W. Reed Any otl -clean-leeged. co*ck or hen, ones.

2 R. G. W. Reed, 3 (P) There were exhlbilion bouta between and J. Crouch (V).

Thanka Ladies' Wellington Hotel, for the use of a and the threes swamping the A. de- Leslie. Red colou New cars reglstered In September radiac totalled 42.224. bringing the number radio actlvity. This part of the the flrst nlne months of the year to i 381.200.

Historie Churches Preservation Trust of rescue work from wreoked buildlngs. Lehs than 8 montha 44. per week. bnnga the total so far reeeived to The exerclae took placa in inclement Back laauea not umiaily avallable. 188785.

A NOTES The 30th East Wight Home and were eventually rewarded wlth an District Probate Registry at Win- Battal Ion C. W. Brannon. excellent try by their London Scottish chester on the 12th day of December M.C.. T.D., D.L., J.P..

carried out a civil defence exerclae at the former stand-off cement mills near tha River Medina falled. Pressure contlnued rom the on 0r before the 25th February 1956 alter on Sunday. The exercise was arranged hy A. E. Williams.

D.S.O.. try far out. Murphy O'Connor mlaslng dlatribute the deceaaed's Estate having M.C. (Island civil defence offleer) and kick. included the demonstratlon of varlons instrumenta and gelger counters which are U8ed for the detectli superintended by Mr.

A. Asher (civil defence Controller. Shank- weather but proved very satisfaotoiy. owlag to paper reatrlctlona. G.

Arnold (Bell) with 11 darls. Valea Hotel Anchor to porkers (under a 1 Arms Slar 18, id Woodvale Hotel and 14. I Hopa Mayilower 1, Gurnard Malt and Hops) 140. TABLE TENNIS I.W. LEAGUE ilown A 4.

St. Mary 's Gulld inur and WiUriu a A 5, Shanl- A Saru 6. Newport Victorlu A Newport Victoria Sports A andown A dt. Mary Gund A 10. i A Veninor and St.

Wilfrid apples i A 2, Venlnoi MARKETS NEWPORT MARKET, TUESDAY The auotioneera, Sir Francis Plttfa special iverage 3 allpt cows im to UN- GRADED Barreners £28 to £13. FAT PIGS exceptlonally large entry met a better demand than expected. but mlnlmum guaranteed to (average 2 Individual guaranteed price to cuttere to to baconers (lOsc. 12sc.) to to ail score live weight. In addition.

producers will reeeive a subsldy of per score live weight. or the individual guaranteed price plus per score whichever ls the greater. NOTE from December 19th a market addition of not less than per FAT SHEEP good demand Grade A lambs to (average individual guaranteed price lambs to all er Ib. estlmated d.c.w. In addition.

a lectlve guaranteed payment. of 2fd. or CALVES prices and demand continues. Best others £8 to STORE PIGS stores and 3 shoots i to sow a 1 £48. POULTRY clearance to hena to ducka to all per couple.

Turkeys (21) heavywelght to medium to geese heavy to medium to GILTEN MARKET, BEASTS exceptlonally largt entry of prlme fat cattle met a aatis- factory demand at current pricea. Champion bsast, owned by Mr. F. Aylett, weighed llcwt.lqr. and wag sold to Mr.

Guatar. butcher. of Newport, per live Other made from to per live malden heifers varied from down to per live fat barren- ers made from to per live cwt. PIGS rather dlsappolntlng trade for the good entry on offer. Bacon plgs to per score live weight, individual guaranteed price ilght.

to 'ldual guari whlcl prli Plu: Is th Wilfrid 2. 1 I 16). thin's A 4, Shank- Newport Vic- Mary Gulld Rege Ryde A R.A.F. Swlthin'a A Prince ild 2. tciiei 1 parenthei iiild (4), Swlthin'a A 2 (8).

Carter Division 2. Carter Paterson Shanklin 1. Sandown New- Y.C. 3, Sandown St. Law- Swithln's Shank- 10th (pointa to date in parentheaea) Lawrence A 3 Saro Sandown 1 0 pointa earh.

but Sandown have Dlvia'on 4 Pateraon (2) 383, Newport St. John'a (4) J68 4, St. Lawrence Sandown 8, ewport Victoria Sporta Newnort H. Dali (Newport) an3 P. K.

McGill t. Johns 2. Carter Paterson (Ryde). and Ventnor Y.C. 1, St.

Lawrence 9: Ventnor Y.C. I. Newport Victoria Sporti Ventnor St. Wilfrld's down 6. Ventnor Y.C.

4. Sandown head the table with nine pointa fol- wUh bSc a St Wilfrid's Division 4 (Northj-Wootton Bridge Apprentices A 10. Wootton Bridge 0: OF PEST CONTROL FUNCTIONS TO Legion 0. Saro 10 Havenstreet S.C. 3.

A 9 Saro Apprentices 1- S.C. 6. St. Swlthin's 4 head table wlth 10 points. followed bv tive Committee being authorlaed to elght, but went the dlstance to latter have a game In hand.

RUGBY FOOTBALL TO-DAY'g FIXTURES I.W.RFX? LW.R.F.C. A v. Portsmouth B. Ryde School v. Old Rydeians, at W.R.F.C.

v. 43rd Light A.A./8.L. Hegt. B.A.-The Ialand. having had Boys' their flxture with Vickera canceUed.

A. Regiment atationed at Parkhurat. (M A. W. Lewis (time- and Intereating game was seen, the ance score In no way being a fair criterlon ing of Hoskin, enabled them to get lt not scrurpa, and wlth a wlng forward and special mentlon for his excellent kick- such proeeedtnga.

arrangements may be (F); M. Grant (P) beat A. i good penalty kick by Murphy rabbit. clearanoe area ls avallable for O'Connor from rrear the touchline. Thia 'public inspectlon at the County R.

Wallis (F) beat B. Fleming appeared to insplre the Island XV. tural Executive Committee. Broad- who attacked the R.A. llne repeatedly.

ttack going. Croaakey and Rawlins corlng in quick succession. both kicks The flrst half entled wlth the Island 13 points to nll. The second fence. Tries were scored by May- Tutton Miller and two by Daviea; all were Lake, near Sandown I.W Market coaverted by Murphy O'Connor.

The Gardener who dled on the 2lrd Novem- Gipiners had bad luck on many occa-' aiems wlth some quick breaka through, Administration were granted In tue Island, and Chaplin acered their flnat rJIRTAL SIIUHCRIITION, Prepald. 8 SHEEP and lamba on offer. wlth a fat trade for lambs. Suckllng lamba 9 1 5 to £5. fat lambs 8 7 6 to £7.

CALVES In keen demand. taking £25 to £10. LIVE POULTRY trade for and chlckens wlth turkeya sllghtly easler. Turkeys £6 for a 2211b. blrd to for a 171b.

bird. geese a 1311b. goose down to £2 for a 1011b. rd. chlcken (palrs).

top price to DEAD POULTRY goodsteady trade. Geese made from to ducks (palrs) varied from to chlcken, top price £2 down to turkeys (not entered for show) to tllll- to hall doz Cow wheat bariey per 4-bushel HENRY WAY AND SON'S COVENT GARDEN PRICES Broccoll to savoys to laln cabbage to and celefy at I- per sprouts 5d. to onlons 7d. to leeks 7Jd. to shallots 6d.

to parsnlps 3d. to carrots to honey at best jrt applea to best cooking to stewlng pears 7d. to and dalry butter to 51- per swede turnips to and pota- CRIBBAGE way House Lamb 5. Kiccmuuu 7, Railway Medina Regent 16. Robin Hood 14.

13. Castle and Banner 13. Brit- 12. Bariey Mow 11, Freemaaons Half way House 9. Castle Hotel Inn 9.

Railway Medina 6. 12 RIFLE SHOOTING CIVILIAN RIFLE CLUBS' ASSOCIATION Results for week ended Firat (13 392. Shanklin (6) 387; Newport (12) Shanklin (0) 387; Newport St. John'a (8) 391. Cowea H.G.

(6 388; Second Dl (10) 387, Weat Wight (3 380; Cowes H.G. (6) 380, Ryde (6 373; Shanklin Possibles scored by W. Heber and 0FFICIAL NOTICES, ETC. PE8T8 ACT. 1954.

COUNTY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES) REGULATI0N8. 1948 TO 1964. The Pesta Sub-Comralttee of the Isle of Wight County Agricultural Execu- oxercise wlthln the administrative county ol the Isle of Wight the powers conferred by Sectlon 1 of the Pesta Act, 1964, hereby designates the area described In the Schedule to this Order as a rabbit clearance area. 1 be freed. For and on behalf of the Peata Bub- Commlttee of the Isle of Wight County Agricultoral Executive Committee 8.

T. WAT80N. SCHEDULE. An area enelosed within the following The Ryde-Sandown road (A.3056) from lta Function wlth the sea coast at Ryde Station to lta Junctlon wlth High 8treet. Sandown thence along the road leading aouthwarda to tha sea coaat; thence along tha sea coaat via Bembrldge to lta Junctlon with the Ryde-Sandown road (A.

3066) at Ryde Station. NOTE. Occuplers of land in a rabbit clear- area must take such steps as may reaortlng to the land and. where rt of the land. for the preventlon of mage by those rabblts.

Any occupier who falls to comply £26 and to a further flne not exceeding £5 fer each day after con- Murphy O'COnnor deaerves Moreover. without prejudlce to any made for the work to be done and the map showlng the boundarles of the of the Isle of Wight County Agrlcul- House. Staplers Road. Newport, Coples of this Order may be obtalned on application to the same address. All persona having Claims agalnst the Estate of Samuel Edward Alexander Ute of 2 Whltecross ber 1955 and to whoae Estate Letters ol are hereby required to send wrltten particulara thereof to the undersignea which date the AdmlnistratrU regard only to valld Claims then now fied.

fh All persona owing money to Estate of the deceaaed are requested pay the same forthwlth to the unaer- 16th day of December 19M. G. GRAY, Solicitor for the.

The Isle of Wight County Press and South of England Reporter from Newport, Isle of Wight, England (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.