Livetweets of Exandria Unlimited: Calamity, Episode 2 — CritRoleStats (2024)

Welcome to another episode of ExU: Calamity! Brennan is going to talk a little longer before throwing this to Marisha.
...So, Marisha! We have announcements regarding A Familiar Problem, 4-Sided Dive, and Pride 2022 tee!

This is episode 2 as we document the end of the Age of Arcanum, where we met our heroes, the Ring of Brass, the council that gets s*** done in Avalir.

We are on the eve of The Replenishment, the once every seven year return of Avalir returning to Cathmoíra, the former returns the ether it collects into the land, replenishing the land. However, some broken and distorted magic debris made it aboard Avalir at their last stop, Vasselheim. (It wasn't Bolo.) Something rotten within the heart of the city has begun to be exposed. The heroes have just caught the scent of this corruption. Question is, will they, or can they, act in time to stop it? The story continues tonight!

Cerrit, Professional Guardian, Loving Father

In a side room in the Palazzo Por'co, Cerrit is looking at a dead, mutilated body, and a cracked mirror that now only has his own reflection. It USED to have the visage of Vespin Chloras.

Cerrit stands with his hawks at the ready. "That's not something you see every day." He scans the room as he holsters his weapons. He never finished his investigation of the hodmedod.

At the center of the hodmedod, there is a glyph with a symbol of the Golden Scythe. Arcana 12: He is disturbed at the lack of animation in this thing. These things are bought and sold in bulk, with custom colors! And the engine is missing in this one. The hodmedod wasn't carrying anything threatening. No security breach. But if the engine isn't here, it's somewhere. That's not good.

Cerrit turns to look at the body with the chunks missing from their face. Medicine check: 6. He knows enough first aid to slap a body to make it stop bleeding. On the inside of the throat, it's riddled with growths. The throat has dark pinkish-gray flesh that really shouldn't be there. Cerrit drags the body to the center of the floor, and leaves the room looking for Zerxus.

He hears a noise before he leaves. A sending stone. Cerrit picks up the stone.
"This is Talon to Wingspan. I am in position, and I am reporting that Egghead is preparing to break curfew." His son is telling on his sister for attempting to sneak out of her room into the kitchen. (The code names change often.)
Cerrit replies to "Talon," who reports that "Egghead" got a bottle that is normally reserved for "Wingspan" and "Clear Eye," and took a couple swigs, and apparently hated it. "Wingspan" reports that is dark magic, and not to engage. Cerrit tells his son that he will be home, and he loves him very much. Oh, and still in character, object professionalism!

Is Mom coming home tomorrow? Cerrit doesn't know. She is going to try, but she is a very busy scientist. If she can be here, she will be. Kir tells his dad that he collected evidence, don't worry about its location (which is under the bed). Love you, night!

Nydas’ Requisition Request

Outside the palazzo, Zerxus and Loq make Insight checks on Purvon. He never said the words "Betrayer Gods." Why does Zerxus thinks he didn't say it? Because he's a coward, and was scared. Zerxus feels the archmages are similar in this respect.

Purvon told a great deal, even speaking cryptically. As a master interviewer, Loq doesn't think he was hiding anything. People with actual secrets deflect. People that act cryptic are concealing not info, but the lack of info. Purvon was protecting pride. He was hiding the fact that he didn't know enough, either, Loq decides.

Zerxus knows where Nydas went. He will retrieve Nydas. He telepathically conjure Tempus from the air. Loq insists they need to all meet together. Right, on it.
Dex vs Dex as Zerxus tries to beat Nydas to his destination. Nat1 to Nat3. "That's what heavy plate will get you."

Nydas takes off to the Scythe, returning to the central warehouse. Alessander has a candle lit on the top of his conical hat. Nydas calls him over for a minute. Alessander starts speaking about the sphinx, it was amazing! The sphinx lost the crowd in the middle of the speech. People just remember the end when he roared.

Nydas needs four automatons right now. Alessander says that is impossible, they are all spoken for tonight on the eve of the Replenishment. Will hodmedods do? No, this is a really complicated task. And carrowhulks are WAY too big.

21 arcana: There are prototype automata that they are working in secret for the city... but they are ready to go right now. Alessander asks that Nydas wants them to activate the Taxmen? "My lord, I can activate them, but they are supposed to be completely mint preserved for trials." This will be the first time they are ever activated. Nydas says that they are on the precipice of something magnificent. If there is a problem, he will carry the weight himself. He knows exactly what he's doing. He's already dallied enough.

The next warehouse has fleets of arcane engines, and travels for deeper than the eye can track in the dark. Server banks of engines not currently within bodies are kept here. Two rest on an artificer workbench.

12 feet tall, massive steel constructs step up. They look brutish and hulking, but the engines that power their reflexes, instincts, complex wheel, is top of the line and state of the art. The blades on their back, sheathed... Nydas knows what they can do.

The taxmen address: "Guildmaster. What is your desire?" Nydas looks for the quickest route to the arcane heart, not through the public. He calls a porter. She will be put on a list Archmage Por'co will give Bad Memory.

Nydas vanishes into the Meridian Labyrinth.

Keeping the Group Up to Date

Loq is talking to the rest of the group back at the palazzo. Zerxus just flew away, and Purvon seems all out of sorts.

Cerrit is looking for anyone attempting to listen: 25. He moves the conversation back to the ivy table.
Patia orders to the room, another round on the Por'cos! A drunk guy calls out, "More like the... Party-Cos!" Patia points out the drunker the guests, the less they'll notice.

Cerrit tells them to guard their faces. Loq responds by turning his face into Cerrit's. Cerrit guards himself to this.
Cerrit says the game is afoot, the rats already inside the... He reports on the invisible individual he attacked. Yes, he killed someone at the party, but they weren't important, he wouldn't make that mistake again.
Cerrit also reports on the visage of Vespin Chloras, his words that they wouldn't meet the Wildmother's embrace, and no, Cerrit hasn't had a single drink all night.

Loq reports on the evening's events: Vespin Chloras appears, Purvon Suul is nervous, Loq's ex-wife ran off. Well, he'll make the normal announcement, and suggests they all do nothing, pretend nothing is happening.

Patia doesn't want to inspire panic, but she doesn't like this many coincidences. If what Cerrit says is true, the fate of Avalir could be in Laerryn's hands.

The Fate of Avalir in Laerryn’s Hands

Deep within the Meridian Labyrinth lies the Heart of Avalir. This lifted the city in the air 292 years ago. At the time, it was the only one. Now, there are many, many more machines.

The big central pendulum is generating and holding a miasma of arcane energy. A circle of batteries Laerryn built glow green, feeding the pendulum. She has been trying many series of glyphs to move this in a new direction. Hasn't figured it out yet.

There is a small token of an old friend, a gift, a locket, a simple orb inscribed with runes to remind her of the long years, that her friendship with Evandrin will win in the end.

As Laerryn prepares, there are heavy approaching footsteps. There are a lot of rundown automatons on the ground that she casts Animate Objects to guard her, blasting ether from her wrist to power them.

Nydas approaches Laerryn with automata she has never seen before. So much is being used for the holiday that he had to dive into the prototypes. For her, an exception can always be made.

These glyphs don't bare the glyph of the Armorer Arcane. The Golden Scythe made them, bypassing protocol and bureaucracy entirely. But, they can discuss these another time.

Laerryn drops her Telepathic Bond before telling Nydas that this has to happen now. She might be alive to see the next chance, but... they won't. Evandrin wouldn't have lived to see it. She has to prove it was worth it. They are going to move the entire city. Nydas is grateful Laerryn has allowed him to be a part of this.

The taxmen steps in as Dweomer, Laerryn's aid, gives them instruction. Golden light spills from the top of the stone dome as the corroded golden bow is dropped in.

The corrosion is removed from the bow, blowing gold. The taxmen are having trouble keeping themselves together in the proximity. Dweomer runs to the engine. Light fills the chamber. They are reading 0.504, and rapidly rising!

The toy model leyrudder Laerryn holds surrounds her with light and energy. One of the leylines that they are about an hour away from (which are usually invisible) is now visible. They are standing in the bloodstream of the cosmos.

Nydas is overwhelmed by the beauty. Laerryn protects him with her abjuration so he can fully see it.
The engine stops and pulses. Silvery white light, with a feeling of warmth. The new engine they have created... Only a mediocre mind recreates what has already been. They are going somewhere new now.

The trajectory of the model leyrudder stops moving sidways... and moves up at a diagonal. And vanishes from this plane. Somewhere beyond this realm, the toy model is safe and in one piece. Laerryn: "It was worth it." She grabs the locket. Nydas is speechless with joy. His role is concluded: Laerryn is their pilot now! This is all just perfect.

They can finish the Replenishment as expected, finish business as usual, then when they depart, not just across Exandria. They can go ANYWHERE.

An alarm starts going off. That's probably fine? They used about 8% of the entire city's energy just sending the toy across planes. The readings are a nightmare. Something unusual. Laerryn tries to figure out what's up with the Calix. Arcana 16.

Nydas wants an insight check on why the alarms are going off. Her 13 Deception vs 18 Insight. She's panicking. This is not within her parameters. Dweomer tells Nydas that there is an energy concern, nothing to do with their actual equipment.

The Arboreal Calix is part of the Drashari Tithe, which is the one part of the machine Laerryn hates the most. Toramunda was attended by the Gau Drashari, long before Avalir left the ground. When the wizards asks to take the top half of the city, the druids said NO. The Replenishment was a concession for this.

The druids wanted to do a lot of important things with the gathered ether. The Drashari Pact detailed how the collected magic would be used. 20% has to go back to the Drashari, as part of this pact. That gives Laerryn 72% to work with for the city.

This old piece of junk has never needed maintenance. It just sucks up juice. But there is no instruction manual to how it should operate or be maintained. Everything built by mages has explicit instructions. The Arboreal Calix just has basic instructions for use.

Laerryn pinches the cable going to the Calix. It's taking too much of her precious energy. Arcana Nat1, but with adv, 27. Nadys puts a hand on her shoulder, calming her panic. It's not as simple as pinching a cable, but she can do something. Laerryn doesn't get a technical solution, but the Arboreal Calix isn't as old as the city. It's 119 years old, the date of the last Replenishment when the Drashari Pact was updated, which was a BIG DEAL. This is magical law, kept in the Magisterium. (Specifically, this was the first Replenishment after the Raven Queen.)

Nydas thinks they should find Patia. The Astral Leywright is working.
Patia is also about to make a call to them.

The First Knight’s Promise

But first, we go to Zerxus.

Zerxus arrives at the Herald's Tome, where a bunch of professional bards of helping keep the festivities merry here. This is also the HQ of the Golden Scythe. He sees Alessander.

Zerxus tells Alessander he needs to speak to Nydas immediately. Al stutters his response: Insight 20. He appears very frightened, like he's about to be in trouble. Zerxus puts his hand on his shoulder. There's no time for this.

Zerxus Persuasion check: 29. Alessander tells the First Knight that Nydas is in the Meridian Labyrinth with Laerryn. He should warn Zerxus of something, but he has already left to soar above the city.

Zerxus looks down at all the festivities, and takes a breath before he flies down to the Meridian Labyrinth. "I hate this place."

Zerxus knows he's going into territory above his paygrade. Investigation check: 5. Not great. He is able to walk through here. This would repel and entrap him, but he wears the emblem of his station, and it guides him through to protect Laerryn.

Zerxus is very far from the Heart right now. Laerryn wants to leave everything here, all automata and Dweomer.

Dweomer nods, and congratulates Laerryn on her achievement before she leaves.
Zerxus surprises Nydas and Laerryn. Deception checks: 30 and Nat1. Zerxus' 8 reads the tear lines on Laerryn's face, and sees the locket his husband gave to her when they worked together. The force of Nydas' personality redirects his attention. Nydas apologizes for them coming across here, but Zerxus respects they all have many responsibilities.

Zerxus asks Laerryn if she's all right. He's here for her, no matter what she needs. She needs to talk to him. Zerxus insists they all need to talk to each other.
Laerryn recalls when another First Knight of Avalir told her that he was here for her, no matter what she needs.

The Second Meeting of the Ring of Brass

Back at the Palazzo Por'co, it's about 10 PM, and the party is still in full swing. Patia thinks things have escalated beyond the Ivy Table. More privacy required.

Did Patia sense the use of 8% energy spent to move a toy boat? High Perception DC. Cerrit Perception: 32. Patia Arcana: 26. No obvious blip to the lights, but the Eyes of Avalir are rigorously trained. This accompanies feeling when the city switches directions.
Cerrit notes another thing in the list of anomalies of things that make this night absolutely f***ed.

Patia dims the light in the foyer. Colored, dancing lights fill the air as a dancing water show happens from the gardens, getting people to look the other way.

The Ring of Brass reunite in safety and security. Laerryn excitedly announces that the Astral Leywright WORKS! Oh, wait, where to begin?

Loq says the Beverage Ball starts in an hour, and would really like to attend. Can we hurry this along?

Laerryn is trying to tell them about interplanar city for the entire city, and Loq wants to talk about a JUICE BAR. Nydas backs Laerryn up on this monumental achievement.

Laerryn tells Cerrit that she needs to talk to the Magisterium. The Arboreal Calix is fairly new at 120 years old.

Cerrit tries to put this in different words. Avalir can now go to a different plane now? Why? Now they are not limited to this one!

The promise of Avalir was exploration and growth. Laerryn, and others, have sacrificed so much to learn more and do more.

Patia knew about this. They can now go to the places the gods go, without them!

Zerxus and Loq are not as excited. Loq says other planes aren't so great, from personal experience. Patia takes over: arcane potential. She knows Aeor is working on a weapon, something deeply destructive. Avalir cannot be superseded.

Zerxus is worried that they will be a target with this achievement. Cerrit cheerfully congratulates Laerryn for achieving all this outside of his eye.

Laerryn says that there is a complication. They owe that stupid energy to the druids, and it will take a LOT more energy to send the whole city. The toy took a lot of energy. Patia: What good is loyalty to a dead person?

Cerrit says there's too many coincidences. Time to catch everyone up. Let's start with Vespin Chloras.

Laerryn is confused that all this happened when she was gone. Loq: "You're always gone at the most important moments." Cerrit holds Laerryn back. Patia gives Loq a goblet that will make any f***ing co*cktail he wants. Now shut up while we discuss important events.
Loq: Who else knows about Laerryn's secret project? He is literally the mouthpiece of the city. She doesn't trust him to keep his dick in his pants, let alone this secret of the ages.

All of the events in the past day, the past couple hours, all of this converging to something. Threads haven't been connected yet. Not all is tied, but there is still much at stake here.

A wizard with raven hair told Patia what was possible with the Apogee Solstices, before she ascended. Her name has since been forgotten by all. An astral leywright, something that takes something of the world and move it to another dimension. During an Apogee Solstice when the leyline are shifting... it's possible. Apogee Solstices happen once every 120 years. The last time, one such wizard used it to ascend to divinity.

Cerrit is worried that someone is trying to take advantage of both the Apogee Solstice and Laerryn's revolutionary creation to recreate the Raven Queen's ascension.

Zerxus congratulates Laerryn on her achievement, but is put off by Purvon Suul's warning and fear. The second you kneel to one god, you kneel to them all. And they are the Ring of Brass. Gather your wits and courage. Zerxus' blood boils as his passion and rage is contagious. Cosmic dust surrounds everyone as his Inspiring Leader grants 19 temp HP to everyone.

The Cultist

Cerrit asks Zerxus to gather a guard while he inspects the items for anything he missed. Laerryn will help as she can. Cerrit leads them to the room as Patia orders a guard to protect it from entrance.

The party looks at this body. The best inspection will come from a Religion check: Nat20 from Zerxus. Zerxus notices orange irises and bloodshot eyes. Runes everywhere. He hears in his mind, raspy and strained, "Ghor Dranas." If this man was still alive, he'd be riddled with tumorous growths from the infernal runes on his flesh.

What does it mean to draw power from a deity? It's complicated. What is the clerical version of a mage's study? If the gods want power, why wouldn't they just grant their most powerful spells to their followers? Why are some clerics stronger than others?

Clerics grow from their wisdom. They become more attuned to the forces of the world and reality. There is a limit to what is safe to grant to a follower. What if you weren't worried about keeping your followers safe? A human so devoted, not even worth dominating. A human who becomes a puppet for the god. The man Zerxus is looking at became a cleric of a Betrayer. Based on the speed of the growths, maybe 2 weeks ago.

What if, as a god, no one worshiped you, and on your return to this world, you needed to make moves quick? This man was a puppet. The god didn't need a servant; they needed actions to be taken.

Zerxus traces the wounds, and inspects the tumors. This is all unfamiliar. He points out the runes to the arcane masters, and explains his understanding.

Thin wisps of light pore from the runes and into the orb floating around Patia as she records them. Two weeks ago... That's when Vespin Chloras attempted his ritual.

The Ring of Brass all think they need to proceed as though Vespin Chloras succeeded. Succeeded what, exactly? Loq isn't even sure what a Betrayer god is. They were sealed away, more or less forgotten. The Betrayer Gods were not able to grant spells. The worship of them was completely fruitless.

Zerxus traces the runes, casting Lay on Hands to connect with it. This man was lost, to seek who he sought. Zerxus understands, at least, what it feels to feel lost. He closes the eyes. The body knows more rest now than it did in life.

Nydas would like to better understand what they are dealing with before they attempt to deal with it. Loq isn't a doer so much as a reporter, and wants to clarify what they know.

The god that Chloras awoke... Would Vespin Chloras be the betrayer god, himself?
Laerryn says the mages would know if he ascended. The previous god of death had his name erased from all temples at the moment of her ascension, an obvious display witnessed by his clerics.

Loq rolls insight on the world: 24. Did the ritual work, or not? All of his friends are POWERFUL, with very specific functions in the city. The gods are impossible to fathom, but how inhuman can they be? A puppet means there is a conspiracy. A conspiracy is intended to make something happen that has not happened yet. Something terrible HAS happened. Something is at work, but not finished.

The cultist came to do something. Something needed to happen. What was that something?
Things begin to snap into place for Patia: how did this mofo get in?!

Patia checks the recordings of the hallway. A hodmedod walked down this hallway that was not of the Golden Scythe. It walked down here... and never came back out. It never came back to the party after it entered this room. This hodmedod had come, bearing a gift from Dean Lacrytia Hollow. Being a hodmedod, no one paid attention to it.

Disguise Self is a 1st level spell. The cultist cast Invisibility... and died before the "right moment" he was waiting for came.

Patia immediately looks for Dean Lacrytia Hollow. The group remembers that she had invited Purvon Suul, then openly mocked him. No one can see her here now.

Laerryn brings back the Telepathic Bond. Cerrit suggests they keep this up. The hodmedod that collapsed was one of Nydas', and collapsed for reasons still unknown. No idea if Lacrytia knew that the false "hodmedod" in her employ was actually a cultist.

The party immediately runs to inspect the gift that was left as Nydas explains how the hodmedods work. Nydas explains that Allesander is keeping an eye on the Guild Hall, and did not report any tampering happening to any of their constructs.

There is much to do, and little time. As the Ring of Brass stand... There is an echo of an explosion outside.


The Firework Extravaganza has begun! And that's where we go to break!

Mid-Break: Finding Dean Lacrytia Hollow

"Wesley Snipes Tax Evasion." Yes, that was caught on camera.

The Astral Leywright has one chance to work, and that is today only. Also, the archmage Vespin Chloras has done something terrible.

Patia approaches Dean Hollow's gift. It's quite long. She opens it up: not magic detected at all. There's a small vial of a clear liquid, quite small, with a note attached.

“When the time comes, this will be the easier way out. All things end: Lives, stories, even ages.” Patia does NOT read this out, and hands it to Laerryn. Necromancers, so dramatic.

The poison within is not magical. Laerryn shatters the vial on the floor as she tells Patia they need to have a conversation.

Patia cannot see Lacrytia. She uses her Scrying orb to find her... and immediately feels the Mind Shielding ring blocking her.

Laerryn doesn't pay attention to people dumber than her. Patia finds that incredibly fair, as they both approach Valedictine Abjura Madara Glyph. Madara swallows a full gulp of air, and follows as ordered.

Where is Lacrytia Hollow? Madara Glyph stammers out the events that happened regarding Purvon Suul, and that Hollow wished to apologize to him. Arcana check from Patia: 25. Detect Thoughts, casting now.

There was a sloppy modify memory cast on Madara. It wasn't a skilled enchanter. Patia dives, getting into a memory Madara can't access. Lacrytia goes invisible to chase after Purvon Suul, and Micah Cormorant used the opportunity to cast Modify Memory on Madara.

In the memory, Lacrytia was about to drop her spell to do something deadly. But the interruption of Loq and Zerxus calling to talk to him stopped Lacrytia from casting her spell.

(Laerryn insists that NO ONE tells Loq that he was absolutely useful for saving Purvon Suul's life.)

Cormorant reacted as though someone tapped his shoulder. He left abruptly. Madara recalls that he was going to attend business in his office. And on a night like tonight, in this party!

Madara wonders if she did anything to cause offense. Laerryn is about to rip into her for her incompetence. What is your whole deal? Laerryn finds her behavior sloppy.
Patia tells her to go home. Happy Replenishment.

Laerryn wants to know why they're letting her go. Patia learned all she needed to know. They need to find Magister Micah Cormorant. She replays the memory she learned from Madara's memory, recorded to her amulet.

Patia rolls perception with adv: 12 against a DC of 15. She has what she has from Madara. Her dress was hideous, but she deserves a night off. Time is of the essence, it's close to midnight.

Patia informs everyone that Magister Cormorant can be found in his offices, and has something to do with this. Loq waves from across the lobby. Are they going to go take care of that? Laerryn would love to deal with that.

Nydas was planning to consult the Hall of Prophecy. Wasn't it closed? Zerxus and him were planning on opening it. If not, Nydas has a direct contact.

Loq was going to consult his record at the Herald’s Tome about Vespin Chloras. Cerrit agrees that they should learn what they can about the man.

There are only six people in this town who work. While everyone else parties until dawn, they get to work.

The Herald’s Tome

At the Herald's Tome, Loq checks the records of notable figures. Sometimes they pre-record stories that are time-sensitive, to be released when relevant. Loq usually has assistants go through these, and accidentally pulls his recorded memorial of the not-yet-dead Eldamir the Wise. That will air when it happens.
Loq then plays an ad for “the third best bar for ale, but the first best for making friends!” That's not what he's looking for, either. There are a lot of recordings here.

Something feels weird, being here, all the lights off, the cubicles empty, after hours.

Cerrit looks for anyone or anything else that doesn't belong. If they are researching something, who else is? Loq comments on doing things here after hours. Laerryn yells mentally to make it a private chat.

23 investigation from Cerrit. 9+4 history from Loq. They pull EVERYTHING. As they do, they also find something not about Vespin Chloras. Something about the Herald's Tome.

We'll talk about Vespin first. Themost info comes from an interview from 9 years ago. Elena Tuvaris was the reporter. Some of it was even printed, mostly about the Matron's ritual. Why would they wish to remove a benevolent force from this world? It’d be better to dethrone something nefarious.

Loq finds an actual recording of an interview with a cleric of Vasselheim about archmages attempting to recreate the ascension, at a gala. Chloras, Hollow, and Loras of the Weavers Mask are in the background talking to each other.
Cerrit can read lips. Loq ENHANCES the video. This is just some b-roll, and could SAVE EXANDRIA. Cerrit catches profiles at an angle. Vespin's lips can be read.

Chloras reacts to something Loras said. "Of course, that's your opinion." He doesn't take such a limited view. They are trying to improve existing technology. It's Loras' fault, anyway. Chloras talks about how they know what the Gau Drashari are about. The City of Crowns bears the Tree of Names. Oh, is he saying something they don't know? Maybe get your head out of your books. He walks away.

Loq thinks that was Tree of Gnomes, not Names. They both roll History. Inspiration for Cerrit: "It's probably Gnomes." Cerrit rolls Nat20, plus 3 inspiration for 31.

Brennan sighs in resignation as he prepares to give up the history. Tree of Gnomes... Tree of Names. Cerrit recalls in his training that the Tree of Names was given as a central artifact of Avalir, something they must eternally guard. The Tree of Names is very old information. It doesn't get talked about much because it was protected 120 years ago, protected by the Arboreal Calix, built over and around it. That name would only be invoked if something very specific and significant were about to happen.

Zerxus hears this, and talks about the tree in his dream. The tree fell on Evandrin and him sick. It has to have a connection to the Betrayers. Vespin Chloras was speaking about this tree with clear knowledge, 9 years ago, about the Ascension. Arboreal Calix is a wizard name. Tree of Names, that's something much older.

As Cerrit hears the dream over the telepathic bond, he sees a clue. The rest of this file, all the work of Elena Tuvaris. He sees an empty compartment in this folder labeled Evandrin Alterra.

Cerrit points out the empty file of the former First Knight to Loq. Who has access to these files? Elena doesn't work here anymore. Loq dismissed her years ago, haven't heard since. No idea if she's even in the city. Deception check 30.
Cerrit pays attention to his Ring of Honor, which doesn't detect a lie at that skill level. Cerrit relies on his own Insight, DC of 30. No: 23 doesn’t see through it, either.

Other reporters have plenty of stories on Evandrin. This is just one reporter's box, one former employee. Loq would check on Elena if she were still in the biz. Her family is in the city, so she may be working as a clerk in Avalir, no longer as a reporter.

The Magisterium

We go from the Herald's Tome to the Magisterium, a vast parliament of thrones. It is dark in here. There are 380 private offices here. Laerryn has contempt that this place SLAPS, and she only gets 4 tiny offices for work of significantly greater importance. Bureaucratic assholes.

Laerryn and Patia's boots echo through the halls. Do they just walk straight to the magister's office, or should they be more strategic? Laerryn thinks he's a significant threat. This isn't a conversation they’re about to have.

Magister Cormarant's office is closed. No lights on inside. Neither of them trust it. They go to open the door. It's locked. How authoritative do they feel? Do they have Knock? Yes, but let’s go one better. Laerryn casts Summon Construct to summon a massive stone being to slam the door off the hinges.

Patia turns on all the lights in the office as the wizards search the room. Something inside reacted to the door being smashed off the hinges. Laerryn demands the being to "Show yourself." Uh, ROLL INITIATIVE.


This map was constructed this morning by Matt Mercer. Map Mercer, TM and such.
Everyone on the telepathic bond realizes that combat is about to happen as the bond drops. WIZARD BATTLE, in the AGE OF ARCANUM. Laerryn holds concentration on her stone construct.

Initiative: Patia 18, Laerryn 5. Who is the opponent? Sam suggests that it's their own anxiety.

Round 1

Patia is the first to act. Tables, teleportation rings, papers and documents. She feels a crackling of arcane energy. Laerryn's command to "Show yourself" puts Patia on edge, ready to act. She can't see anyone in the room, so preparing a Counterspell or randomly casting Dispel Magic would do her no favors.

Patia casts Detect Magic. Perception 10: she can tell there is a powerful illusion that is hiding something. It's to her left. Patia points out the direction in the room to Laerryn.

Laerryn acts next. Then, to whom it may concern, Fireball, at fourth level.
A counterspell comes to block it. Brennan rolls in front of the board. Nat11 or higher to beat it... That's a 10, which fails by one. Laerryn deals 41 fire damage to someone, who rolled Nat1 to dodge it.
He has to make a DC 20 con save to hold concentration. 14 fails, revealing an incredibly charred and screaming Micah Cormorant.

The Fireball was PERFECT, perfectly round and perfectly cast, as is Laerryn’s way.

The construct moves forward, making two slam attacks. 18 and 19 hits for 26 damage.
This kills the magister. No Chain Lightning for him.

Neither mage has healing magic. Maybe Zerxus has a means to talk to him.
Brennan: "Problems getting solved quick in this arc." Goodbye, map.

The Office of the Speaker of the Fourth Throne

Laerryn investigation 22: the late magister was very interested in Laerryn's work. This stuff was all collected in his office. A lot on magical law, including a letter composed on ancient birch bark. The script is silvery ink.

The letter addresses "Honorable Magister." The writer distrusts enchantment of people and their ways. The wizards of Avalir have proven they do not see limitation. The writer wishes they and their order could trust the magister. They wish they could tell him of the tree's purpose. Sorrow fills their heart; if the wizards knew the nature of the tree, they would only see opportunity. Simply tend for this tree, and do not ask of its secrets again. Signed, Head Druid of the Gau Drashari, of the Temple of Toramunda.

All of this information about the Tree of Names, from its start in history, is all gathered here in this office. Patia collects it in her orb. Laerryn is devastated. The original Magister wasn't worthy. But Patia insists that they are. Laerryn agrees.

The construct picks up the body. Zerxus can't do anything; he'll be too dead by the time Zerxus even sees him. The oracles might be able to do something, but maybe don't carry a corpse of the Speaker of the Fourth Throne through the city.

The Hall of the Oracles

At the Hall of Prophecy, the Hall of the Oracles, the clerics who divine without the use of gods, the oracles manifested a connection to the divine by living in hermitage. It takes a lot out of them, without a god to channel it through.

Zerxus sees a friend, a young woman named Sofyra. A number of Archsept Guard are here. She saw Tempus' light; it's good to see you, friend. And Guildmaster! She's always taken him as one who rides his own fate.

They ask about the closing of the hall. Isn't it quite irregular? Insight check: 16. She is troubled, and has been crying, a lot. The guardians of the Archsept have been asked by Loras to not allow entrance.

Nydas says Loras gave them leave to enter: Deception 26. Oh, incredible. Nydas says it is key to the Replenishment. They are all in congress together! Even Nydas realizes he's out on a limb with this claim.

This lie shouldn't work. Even the warriors here, the High Sept Guardians, who are the real deal, look nervous and unfocused here. Something is not right.

Nydas tells Zerxus that Sofyra seems distraught. Zerxus gets close to her. They've known each other for a long time. She can tell him anything. She can rely on him. Should they know anything?

Sofyra suggests they come with her. Moving through this place, the fire lamps flicker. The way it dances on the marble feels like walking under water. This place feels philosophical and divine, distinct from the lucid environment of Avalir.

Sofyra is glad Loras sent them. His instructions were unclear. He only took over yesterday after Volucia of the Heart's Emblem... She pauses. Zerxus reassures her. After Volucia left Avalir, forever. She points to a scar of soot on the ground, in a circle. That's where Volucia broke her staff on her knee and denounced magic forever.

Volucia was a member of the Ring of Gold, Loras' counterpart. About two weeks ago, Sofyra reports that oracles started going mad. One at first, she's still here. Karwen started babbling, speaking false prophecies. Her oracle vision failed.

The oracles tried to heal Karwen, but then the healers themselves went mad. They are all still here. A couple days ago, they thought Karwen was good enough to take a walk. She turned to the other oracles, and... Sofyra is the last one. It's just her.

What caused Volucia to renounce magic? It had something to do with an argument with Loras. Insight checks from Zerxus and Nydas: Sofyra doesn't recall it. She just recalls: "If these gifts harm us, then we should not accept them."

On the day before Volucia left, Karwen was found in one of the bathing rooms. She has since been taken back to her chambers. It would better if only one of them speaks with her. It's better if there's only one other person in the room. Zerxus volunteers.

Nydas checks the soot marks. Arcana 24: a staff was sundered here. Not an enchanted staff; just removal of one's own ability to use magic. This makes Nydas feel sick, considering his own ties to magic.

Sofyra leads Zerxus to Karwen's chamber. She offers to show Nydas the bathing chamber. Investigation 20: Sofyra says Karwen was in good spirits in here, even joking at her own expense when told what she did.
Nydas sees the mirrors. There's a big crack in them.

Zerxus asks Sofyra about the prophecies Karwen spoke. Any names? It was all written down, she'll grab them at once.

A Ceremony of Atonement

In Karwen's chamber, Zerxus sees a circle of white runes gathered around a small and humble bed, a wash basin, and some clothes. Sleeping in the bed is a young woman with dark skin, curly dark hair. She looks restful.

With insight 24, Zerxus was expecting someone ravaged by an affliction. He sees a strong, healthy woman, deep in rest. There is a small hand mirror next to her in the bed.

Zerxus circles the circle, looking for any other mirrors in this chamber. He goes to the side of the bed she's facing. He gently calls her name. As Zerxus moves around the space, he casts Divine Sense, instinctively touching the stone on his necklace. He has two name stones: one is his, the other is Evandrin's.

At the headboard of the bed, Zerxus looks at the edge of the room. This place has a lot of association with water. A wall with a stream of noiseless water pouring down it. He's never detected anything fiendish before. Nothing like this.

In the reflection of the bed in the wall of water, the light reflects that Karwen is not in the bed. He sees a horned figure in red, bleeding and dying. The figure was the size of a mountain, the last Zerxus saw him.

The figure does not appear able to look at Zerxus, grievously dying. Karwen has a slight celestial presence, but the fiendish presence in the wall overpowers EVERYTHING. (Travis is hiding inside his shirt.)

Zerxus tells the wall to show yourself.
Weakly, "I can't I can't I can't I can't."
"Show yourself."
"I'm trying." This comes from the wall.
Zerxus approaches it. "You know me."
"I know you well. You saved me."

Zerxus walks to the wall, putting his hand on it. Does Zerxus want to go through? He goes through. He's in another time, another realm.

Zerxus sees silver mist, a bed soaked with blood, and a wheezing, rasping devil, now his size. "It's all right. I can't really die. I'm not in danger, it just hurts." The devil tells Zerxus that he came in before the Dawnfather could destroy him.
Zerxus: "You know me. Then who are you?"
"Betrayer. Sinner. Most Unclean. I'm the Lord of the Hells."

Zerxus doesn't believe in gods. The Lord of the Hells doesn't either. Zerxus takes his hand, and casts Cure Wounds, removing the Lord of Hells from having to make Death Saving Throws.

The Lord of Hells says that when you get to the table and there's not much left, you take what you're given. He doesn't know why he's here. He left where he was, and now he's here.

The figure registers as fiendish to Zerxus. Zerxus looks for traces of what the Lord of Hells has endured. He seems hurt and bewildered. Not everyone shows how broken they are.

Zerxus takes the fiend's hand again. "What have they done to you? I want to know everything."
For the first time, no longer writhing in pain, this man is beautiful. He bears a resemblance to Evandrin.

Zerxus can't keep Evandrin's name from falling from his mouth. "I don't look the same to everybody." Before it all went wrong, they said he was the most beautiful of them all. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so sometimes, to a mortal, he looks like the most beautiful thing they have ever seen.

People always asks if he's tricking them. What are you to say to that, to convince someone who already mistrusts the answer?

The Lord of the Hells thinks that Evandrin must have been a very good man, since he was not in his realm.

The Lord of the Hells breaks into a sob. He has been in darkness for so long, and no one has shown him kindness. Zerxus says that will change; he belongs here. Zerxus dresses the figure's wounds with the utmost care. He smiles. While you are cleaning up a god of darkness and fire, how can he repay the favor? This is not Exandria, yet.

Zerxus says that someone has broken him out, broken all of the Betrayers out. The door opened more explosively than Asmodeus can say. It was not a kind place behind that door. The pressure behind it was enormous, intended to teach a lesson to those trapped behind it. Why did they send the Betrayers there?

They came to a young world of raw elemental wonder, chaos and passion, energy more potent than anything in the cosmos. They began to shape what they dreamed. This was the Primordials’ world first, long before the gods came to mold it.
The gods offered their creations. They came and shaped.

Zerxus casts Ceremony with the Lord of the Hells, casting Atonement as he offers to kneel with him. They both kneel as he casts the spell over the next hour.

"We started to make our creations, and I did as I thought I must. I was a celestial of light. They were creating truth and love and honor, and courage, and mortal beings, and choices." Many of the gods spoke first and long, and by the time Asmodeus meant to speak, much has already been spoken. He meant to help. These are the greatest gifts, and we must make them matter.

In the absence of love, there would be viciousness. In the absent of truth, there would be betrayal. He thought that he would make the earlier work matter more. As time passed, mortals called his gifts evil and wicked. That was the point, was it not?

The mortals cursed the Lord of Hells, none said prayers in his name. None of his brethren spoke in his defense, none saw the intent of his gifts. More of them were already hated, seen as abomitable.

In that time of pain and sorrow, the prime gods gave more gifts to their creations, taking more and more from the world. They had leaned on the Primordials too much. The Primordials rose against the Prime Deities for their overreach of the Primordials' gifts, and the Prime Deities fought them. And THEY were called Betrayers!

Zerxus begs Asmodeus not to forget his kindness. They are made from the same thing he created. He must know that he turned his pain on the mortals. The prime deities used him, then used his mortal children as he turned his pain on them.

Zerxus asks the Lord of the Hells to not turn his pain on his children. Let them help him, and Zerxus will help him turn his pain on those that betrayed him.
Not for all the ages of the world will the Lord of the Hells forget Zerxus. He sees faults in people, and know what they have done wrong. Zerxus fault: He is very trusting.

Zerxus says that the Lord of the Hells is being used; Zerxus himself is being used. He is the Father of Lies, after all. You are being lied to, and not by any god.

Zerxus turns his head back to the portal. He sees his body, on the ground next to the bed. He is having a vision. He is an oracle, a person of this hall.

The Lord of the Hells sees the world out there, on the other side of the portal. That's it out there. What part of Exandria are they in? Maybe it's all changed since he's last been. It's called Avalir.

Avalir, flying over Domunus. Is the continent still beautiful? Aspects, yes, Zerxus says. They were supposed to take credit equally, but Domunus was always the smile, the Lord of the Hell's favorite. There was nothing like it.

Zerxus has to leave. He's going back. "What became of Evandrin?" Zerxus doesn't know. An illness beyond his reach. His last vision showed Evandrin walking toward a tree.

The Lord of Hells speaks of less than kind magic on trees of old. This was beyond anything of this world, no one could help Evandrin.
Why was Evandrin in the dream? Connection. His spirit was somehow near.

Did Zerxus ever try to bring back Evandrin? He tried to stop it from happening, and he never found him as he passed. Mortals can stop curses, diseases, and poisons. There are few who can be trusted to bring one back.

The Father of Lies knows that there are many lies in the city Zerxus calls home. Zerxus insists he doesn't call this city home.
The Lord of Hells looks at him. He knows mortals will always have a portion of their souls that recoil from him; it is only natural. He interrupts Zerxus' Attonement ritual as he casts Protection from Good and Evil. That will protect Zerxus from fey, fiend, celestials. Including himself. Zerxus has work to do in the mortal realm.

The Lord of Hells states there is a poison in the city, and Zerxus knows the shape of it. Zerxus nods, and steps toward the portal. As he steps through, he looks back. "Come find me." He walks through, returning to his body, which has been spasming in religious ecstasy in his spirit’s absence.

The False Prophecy

We go to Safyra and Nydas, where she is showing him the first false prophecy Karwen gave. Nydas reads it.

“The stars are leaving us. Our hands cannot reach the limbs of the tree, can no longer scribe the name of our deliverance. We will soon be as broken as our promises. Avalir shall fall. All shall fall. And from our folly will the hands that forge the world banish themselves from the broken things they have made.”

Nydas confirms: this was deemed false? The Octothurge assumed that it obviously can't be true. Something must have gone wrong with the reading, this can’t possibly happen.

Nydas says they should continue to assume this is false. He states everything is all right.

Laerryn gets a ping on her communication device from Akami Rowe, Helmswoman of Avalir, who reports that everything is going as planned, and they have begun descent, hooray! Nothing of note to report. The rest of the process is automated.

Akami will stay here in case anything goes awry-- This sentence is interrupted by gurgling, and end of communication.

They need to go NOW. The party all sprint to the helm from their respective positions. In Excelsior Plaza, there is still revelry. Three leylines converge as one. The city descends.

As the party walks, they hear a voice. "Ah, the Ring of Brass." Lacrytia Hollow looks as them. And it's not just her, as eyes also appear on the rooftops. We would roll initiative, but we're ending the night there!

As everyone is responsible for bringing the apocalypse together, the one question everyone wants to know is: Is It Thursday Yet? Good night!

Livetweets of Exandria Unlimited: Calamity, Episode 2 — CritRoleStats (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.